Our KITS are exclusive to INSPIRED EFT and are a great alternative to those who wish not to participate in certified and structured classes or learn with others.
Our kits will teach the very basics in Tapping and briefly outline how EFT works.
The stress management kit includes:
- A professionally produced booklet
- A video, which guides you through a tapping, round and shows how and where to Tap.
- Q & A sheet
- An audio download of a meditation with a Tapping round
- Email access to Facilitators for questions and support
- A business card size chart to help remind you of the points with ease
- First attendance to the monthly Tapping group free
Kids Kits
To help children deal with and release triggers connected to trauma and stress.
This kit includes a storybook teaching the Tapping method as well as Koola the Koala who has buttons securely sewn on to the Tapping points to help the child memorize the points and enjoy the benefits of the mirror neuron theory (see free resources) to help ease and soothe.
Free Resources
- Monthly newsletters
- Meditation morning recordings
- Blog
- Articles
- Videos